Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Narrative

Being here at the Marble for quite some time now, I have trained multiple people. Were a tight, close knit group of family here and we like to make everyone feel as though they are a part of this family. Having this attitude about our relationships here at work does transfer to the guests and adds to their experience here. That is the goal from the minute the guests walks up to that menu board until they are walking out the restaurant after eating a full meal. We as hostesses are the initial contact and lasting impression of the guest experience. As Dave our manager always says, we have guests not customers. This is our place and we invite our “guests” to dine here. It sounds cheesy, but having that mind frame and taking pride in what you do really does show whether you believe it or not. Hostessing is viewed as a simple job but its not all about just walking people to a table, its about setting the pace of the restaurant from the servers to the kitchen. You control who sits when and where. But the difference between hostessing downtown and in other restaurant locations is you have to entice the guests to come into our restaurant. In that sense it is extremely important you know what is on the menu, explain the random ingredients like capers and leeks. Most importantly you need to be friendly and present yourself in a welcoming engaging manner. Standing in this outfit really forces you to have self confidence and be proud of what your rocking. I do not know how many times I have been looked up and down and each pair of eyes land on my chest and I hear “nice boots”. Though most people I want to give a disgusted look, I just smile and say “thank you”. Because I am standing in a corset and fishnets people are going to remember me and think about that one place  with the girl in a cool outfit, they will remember I was nice and not a cocky person. So you must always present your best attitude. I do not want to see you not talking to guests when they are out front at the menu board or giving off unwelcoming body language. Personality is valued here as you can see we all show it in different ways from what we say to guests to how we dress. If a guest decides they want something that’s not on our menu recommend them to a place that has it. They appreciate it. I will not always be a around to watch your every move and I don’t want to have to be. Making mistakes is okay, it’s a way to learn. You need to be able to be confident in the reasons why you did something. When I make a decisions I will always explain to the reasoning behind it so you can begin to see type of thought process you need to have. It will be confusing at first but you’ll pick it up! This job requires you to think on your toes and always have a smile on your face. Being a team player is valued here and I want to see you helping out the bussers or runners when you have a free hand. It only adds to the efficiency of the room and respect between you and coworkers. Based on how the night is going, how I teach you will change. I mostly want you to be hands on and doing it yourself to learn but sometimes I will have to step in. Do not see this as me saying you aren’t doing something right but use it as a tool to see how I handle situations and you can take aspects of it to use when you run into the same situation. Here at the marble room we value teamwork, personality, being quick on your feet, ability and confidence. We hired you because we feel you possess those qualities. I am always here to answer any question you have. Ultimately I am here to support you in your training so please find me if you are every unsure of anything. I believe in feedback as a learning tool so you will hear back from me on your progress from time to time. I look forward to building a friendship with you so lets go put on your fabulous corsets and get this place rolling.

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