Friday, February 18, 2011

The Most Inspriational Speech for Me....

“Somewhere along the line you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you’re no good and things got hard, you started looking for things to blame. Like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s very mean and nasty place. And I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep amoving forwards, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. Now if you know what you’re worth, you gotta be out there willing to take the hits and not point fingers ‘cos of him or her or anybody if you aint’ where you wanna be. Cowards do that. That ain’t you. You’re better than that.” -Rocky Balboa

Picutres and Quotes...

“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.”
-Theodore M. Hesburgh

“The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it.”
-Elaine Agather

“Leadership is not magnetic personality, that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not "making friends and influencing people", that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”
- Peter F. Drucker


The results of my PMAI assessment didn’t quite surprise me. My major archetypes are the Ruler, the Jester and the Warrior. The warrior and the ruler were the two I would expect from myself at this give time in my life. I am taking control of my life and personal situations and given the environment I grew up in would definitely make me a warrior! I feel I can see how those relate to my parents and how a bit of each of them come together with me. I was surprised by the Jester but reading the leadership style of the Jester I can see it in myself. I like to laugh and I feel everyone gets a long better if the mood was light and fun. I feel maybe I use the jester to hide my ruler side. The Orphan was my suppressed archetype and I was thrown off about it at first. Seeing that the orphan focuses on being realistic I totally see myself being that way. Sometimes I catch myself in lala-land and have to drag myself out. I feel this assessment was a good glimpse of myself and it was accurate in its findings.


After reading the archetype introduction book, I find it sort of interesting that you can change archetypes throughout your life. Based on what you go through can determine the archetype you display. This doesn’t sit very well with me. I feel like you have characteristics that stick out and make you who you are. Shouldn’t you always be the same archetype because it reflects your personal characteristics? I can understand experiences shape you as a person and can change you for the better or worse. Maybe over there could be a slight shift in a person’s archetype but he or she would still hold close to his or her’s original one. The book made a comment about every six months taking this assessment to see which type you are displaying or story you are living at that time in your life.  I think that would make you not identify with a specific archetype and not be able to truly fine tune your leadership style. Reading the different type of archetypes it is clear to see how each displays different leadership types. It was obvious for me to see which I identified with and which ones people I am close to could represent.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Trait Base Theory

The trait base theory feels people are born with the ability and will to lead. Though this may be true it has a few pros and cons. A pro would be the person’s innate ability to use these traits whenever necessary. A major con would be using them for the wrong reasons and we all know the prime example for this is Hitler. A second positive is there will always be someone to step up the plate when a problem arises. The con attached to it makes it so no one else is allowed to provide a solution and must follow with the leader’s orders. I feel some are born with a natural ability to lead but its being about to exercise those abilities is where it matters. Any one can develop the skill to leader it is just recognizing what needs to be there to make it happen.

My Leadership Style...

My leadership style is more about myself and setting an example for others. I have a strong will and like to push myself to reach goals whether it is with a group or for myself. Things I possess as a leader is integrity, discipline, and respect. I like to model my leadership style as a strong individual who owns their beliefs and encourages those around them to do the same. Being told I can not do something only fuels me to push harder and prove someone wrong. To be a good leader you must believe in yourself before you can believe in anyone else.

Leadership and Me

Leadership is an endless debate for people of all levels of society and education. Many will agree on actions a leader will do and will not do but no matter how the cookie crumbles everyone has a different opinion. I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion but needs to allow a certain level of openness for other views rather than your own.

This blog will be dedicated to my outlook on leadership and what I feel a leader or group of leaders should compass. Though everyone may not agree with me, I hope my words are taken into consideration. Through my experiences as a leader and being a follower, I have developed an idea of what my leadership qualities are and how I will portray them to others in the future.

Leadership is a difficult thing to grasp but anyone is capable of it. Hard work needs to be put into it because it is not an easy thing to do. I have found difficulties in my leadership experiences and through that I have only become a better leader. Being a college student I have much more to experience and can only build on top of the foundation I have created.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Leader Stories

When we think about leaders we imagine a person rising above the rest. There is a particular aura about this individual that makes him or her stand out from the followers. Some argue its personality traits you're born with others feel it is a skill you develop. No matter how you look at it, being a leader is tough. How you get things done can characterize the type of leader you are.

For example a conqueror leader will set out to conquer all his enemies. I like to think of a cowboy or a sheriff when refering to this type of leader. He is there to protect his town and people from all those who pose a threat. The people turn to him when there is a problem or advice is needed. He remains courageous and strong through all situations as to lead by example for the rest of the town.

Ronald Reagan is a great example of a leader. His leadership style because fits into the carpenter style, a leader who builds a new organization or society. Reagan obtained legislation to stimulate economic growth, curb inflation, increase employment, and strengthen national defense. He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit. He was able to build up self-confidence in the Nation and hold peace with strength.

An important aspect in being a leader is communicating. This also describes a leadership style called the communicator, the leader who communicates with a diverse group of followers. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a leader who used this style of leadership. He expressed his passion and vision through his words to his followers.

These are a few of the many examples of leaders and leadership styles. Everyone has a different view of leadership and how it must be expressed. Hopefully this gets you to think about what it all means to you....